Thursday, October 16, 2008

Baby H

I loved every minute of this session! I have been wanting to photograph this little ham since I first laid eyes on him at a friends wedding back in June. This little guy is the epitome of a happy baby, to say the least. And what awesome and very sweet parents he has. I cannot wait until our next session with big brother later this month!


Leslie Vorndran said...

I love him I love him I love him I love him!!!! This must have been your FAVORITE day, ever. Oh, sweet Hunter, I love you!!!!!!

(Aunt Sessie)

Leslie Vorndran said...

I love him I love him I love him I love him!!!! Oh, sweet Hunter, you're perfect!

DeAnna, this must have been your FAVORITE day, ever.

Sessie (aka Aunt Leslie)

Anonymous said...

What a cutie pie!!! He could be a baby Gap model!!

Amy Sokol